Deed Of Gift Form

If you have an item or collection that you would like to deed to the Milwaukee Transit Archives and Museum, please click on the form image below. You may then print, fill in the appropriate details, and mail to the following address. We will contact for item(s) pickup and paperwork completion.

Mailing Address:

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Milwaukee Transit Archives And Museum
Attn: Membership Director
4763 S. Packard Avenue
Cudahy, WI 53110


We have created a permanent repository for documents and artifacts related to the Milwaukee area’s transit history. With your support, we can ensure that these collections will remain intact and available to the public. Here are some ways you can help:

See OUR COLLECTIONS – Histories & Photos  section to determine if your collection, large or small, is a fit for our Archival Museum. Donors of collections receive a letter from us for the IRS for tax purposes, and a copy of your completed Deed of Gift form. As we are an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.

Accessioning is a formal process which documents the legal transfer of an owner’s memorabilia to the Museum’s Archives. In addition to conveying clear title from the owner(s) to the repository, accessioning also details any restrictions on access, copying and citations. The owner is also informed of deaccessioning policies, including what happens to the donated item(s) in the event of a dissolution of the Archival Museum.  Should the latter occur, the collections shall be offered to existing 501(c)(3) non-profit transit, rail or historical organizations as directed by the Board.

Donated items must fit the focus and mission of the Museum. A Deed of Gift form documenting the transfer of an item(s) is signed by and copies provided to both the donor(s) and the Museum. Materials donated become the exclusive and absolute property of the Milwaukee Transit Archives & Museum, Inc. It should be understood that not all items can or should be physically displayed at all times. Surplus items of a duplicate nature or which do not fit our focus may be offered for sale or in trade.

Including mortgage, utilities and insurance, our operating expenses total about $1,000. each month, plus supplies. They include our rent and utilities. Financial donations, besides memberships, help ensure our continuity and expansion.

In addition, our WISH LIST – be it through funds or materials – includes the following:

  • Updated computers, flat screen monitors and archiving software
  • Archival supplies for print and media collections
  • Photocopying and printing supplies
  • Costs of publications, such as newsletters and brochures
  • Improved lighting for our galleries
  • Framing of photographs and prints
  • Mailings
  • Permanent signage for our building

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